Happy New Year!
So I realize I’m 12 days late, but I had to organize my life going into 2020. Now that I’ve finally done that (mostly), I’m ready to begin a new year with new exciting things in store!
First thing’s first: I have a couple of reviews from books I finished in 2019 that I’m going to post ASAP. Once that’s out of the way, I’m going back to reading and reviewing regularly. This year, I made my goodreads challenge 50 books.
I also have a couple of ideas for a few blog posts to write & publish by the end of January; so I can’t wait to write and post those. Stay tuned for that!
There are a lot of things to look forward to in 2020—I’m going to BookCon again, and this time, for the whole weekend! I’m also going to Taylor Swift’s lover fest tour with two of my closest friends, Cassie and Julia. We’re road tripping to Boston for an entire week, while seeing Taylor about halfway through! I’m also currently applying to creative writing graduate school programs, in hopes of seriously pursuing the novel I’m writing as a masters. In the meantime, I’m writing away—my novel is coming alive in ways I’ve never imagined before, and I know it’s still such a long way from being finished, even just a first draft.
I hope everyone has a spectacular 2020! Let me know what your reading goals are, and what you’re most looking forward to! Have a great year! ♥︎